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Together We Can Make A Difference

The Association of Owerri Girls’ Secondary School Alumnae USA is a non-profit organization encompassing all the State and Regional Chapters of OGSS Alumnae in the United States of America. It was inaugurated in August 2016 in order to address the continuing challenges of post- Civil War Owerri Girls’ Secondary School in a more coordinated, systematic, efficient, and sustained manner.

AOGSSA USA has undertaken, as its singular mission, to make a significant and visible impact on the education, living conditions, and eventual success and life of the young girl students of our Alma Mater. We plan to accomplish this goal by undertaking projects considered a top priority by the student body, teachers, administrators, and ourselves.

AOGSSA USA has a Leadership Team made up of elected officials who manage and coordinate the affairs and projects of the organization on a pro bono basis. All members are expected to contribute financially and otherwise towards achieving our goals and fulfilling our Mission.

AOGSSA USA INC. is incorporated in the State of New York as a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3).


Owerri Girls’ Secondary School (OGSS) was an outstanding high school for girls established in Owerri, Eastern Nigeria, in 1955 by the Holy Rosary Sisters from Ireland, solely for the education of young girls. The first class graduated in 1959, and very soon, the students demonstrated outstanding performance at the National Examinations and gained for OGSS a reputation for excellence.

Then came the Nigerian Civil War in 1967-1970! The schools were closed, and the Holy Rosary Sisters were forced to flee for safety. At the end of the Civil War in 1970, OGSS was reopened, and the State of Government took over its management. Many structured were destroyed or badly damaged; rebuilding of classrooms, halls of residence for boarding students, and others were slow and sub-optimal largely due to post-war difficulties. The total enrollment exploded, the educational standards and performance plummeted.

Over the years, OGSSS Alumnae all over the world stepped forward to help with the rebuilding process. They built classroom blocks, refurbished the Dining Hall/Refectory, provided boreholes, refurbished the Infirmary/Sick-Bay, and provided medical supplies, equipment, and drugs and medications.

At this time, the dormitories and boarding facilities are not optimal for young girls. The classrooms and laboratories are poorly equipped, and the standard of education, though improving slowly, needs significant support.


Your generous contributions will help AOGSSA to provide modern infrastructural facilities, equip Science and Technology Laboratories, and create educational opportunities for girls, thereby ensuring, for them, a sound foundation for success.


girl studying

Have Questions?Contact us, and one of our organization's members will get back to you immediately on how you can help.